BotNet News

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The Importance of a Cybersecurity Degree

Cybersecurity protects the information stored on computers, networks and systems from attacks by hackers. It includes everything from data encryption to ensuring that access is restricted to those with the proper credentials. It also helps companies comply with regulations such as GDPR. This industry is constantly evolving as new threats

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The Demand For Careers in Cybersecurity

Cybercrime is illegal activity conducted online like stealing personal information, hacking into systems, spreading malware and tricking people out of their private data or money. It can also cause damage to computer devices that can lead to lost services, opportunities and reputations. Cybercrime can be found on the individual level,

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What is a Botnet?

Cyberattacks are regularly making headlines as hackers wreak havoc on users and businesses. These attacks range from phishing to DDOS and even password attacks. A particularly dangerous type of attack is a botnet, a network of hijacked devices controlled by malware and enslaved to carry out cyberattacks without their legitimate

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