Category: Cybercrime
Cybercrime is a crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrime may harm someone’s security and financial health.
What Is Malware and How Does It Affect Your Computer?
Malware is short for malicious software and refers to any program that’s designed to infiltrate a device without the owner’s knowledge, cause damage or disruption to the device or a computer system, or steal data. Adware, spyware, trojans, viruses, worms and rootkits all fall into this category. Most malware threats
Read MoreHow to Avoid Phishing
Phishing is an attempt to steal sensitive information, like account numbers and passwords, or install malware (the spoils). With this info, thieves can loot your checking account, run up bills on your credit cards or do other damage to your financial history and reputation. The most common phishing attack is
Read MoreHow to Protect Your Business From Ransomware
The international health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has brought people together across the globe for the greater humanitarian good, but it has also given rise to new foes and increased threat levels. Hacking gangs, for example, have turned the crisis into a lucrative opportunity to exploit victims with
Read MoreHow to Detect a Botnet
A botnet is a network of hijacked computers, servers, laptops, mobile devices and internet-of-things (IoT) gadgets infected with malware that can be remotely controlled by a threat actor. The bad actors can use the compromised devices to carry out malicious functions, including sending spam emails, engaging in click fraud and
Read MoreAI Cybersecurity – How Hackers Might Use AI to Overcome Your Defenses
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being woven into a vast array of systems to automate, analyze and improve current processes. While it will never replace security professionals, AI can and already does assist cybersecurity teams by analyzing huge volumes of data to identify patterns, predict threats, read source code and identify
Read MoreStaying Informed With Cyberthreat News
Cyberthreat News is an essential field for professionals working to protect computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access, attacks, or damage. Staying informed by reading cybersecurity news articles is one of the most important ways to stay on top of this rapidly evolving industry, as it provides insight into
Read MoreThe Importance of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity protects digital data and the systems, software and networks that house it. The field covers everything from protecting individual information to safeguarding complex computer systems that manage client data and supply chain logistics. A single cyber-attack can bring these systems to a screeching halt, jeopardizing business operations and resulting
Read MoreThe Dangers of Cybercrime and How to Protect Yourself
As we become more interconnected, our data and devices are vulnerable to attack. Cybercrime has no physical boundaries, and is a dynamic and growing threat to our national security and economy. Hackers exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities to steal data, corrupt systems and even destabilize economies. It is a growing epidemic that
Read MoreWhat Is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is a highly specialized field that protects organizations against cyber-attacks and unauthorized access to sensitive information. It involves combating existing types of attacks as well as anticipating new vulnerabilities that arise with technological advancements. As the number of hacks and data breaches increases, cybersecurity professionals are constantly challenged to
Read MoreWhat Is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is any technology, process or practice that protects computers, mobile devices and other electronic systems and data from cyberattacks. The field is incredibly broad and encompasses everything from the protection of sensitive information to ensuring that hackers can’t access devices and services that are crucial for day-to-day operations like
Read MoreRansomware – What is Ransomware and How Does it Affect Your Business?
Ransomware is malware that locks a victim’s computer or device and demands payment for unlocking the data. In the past, it was often used as a tool for extortion and petty crime by small groups of criminals, who targeted individuals with opportunistic attacks using email attachments, often involving photos and
Read MoreJobs in Cyber-Security
Cyber-security refers to the protection of computer systems, data, and devices from hackers and threats. This is a very diverse field, and job duties vary greatly. Common jobs include overseeing a company’s IT security infrastructure, developing safe remote or work-from-home solutions, and protecting an entity or organization from harmful hackers
Read MoreThe Importance of Cybersecurity
The digital world runs on data, and it’s crucial that we use cyber security to keep that information secure. From keeping websites up and running to detecting hacker attacks, cybersecurity protects the bits and bytes that make the internet possible. In an era where technology is constantly evolving, the cybersecurity
Read MoreWhat is a Data Breach?
Data Breach occurs when an attacker steals sensitive information from a business, organization or government agency. This data can be used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft, fraud and extortion. Many of these attacks occur because of human error and/or security flaws in systems or infrastructure. For example, employees
Read MoreCybercrime – A Global Phenomenon
Cybercrime is an ever-growing global phenomenon with a massive impact on individuals, businesses and governments. Unlike traditional crimes that require a physical presence, cybercrimes can be committed anywhere in the world with access to computer networks. The internet’s speed, convenience, anonymity and lack of borders make it easy for criminals
Read MoreWhat Is Antivirus?
Antivirus is a software program that’s designed to prevent malware infections, detect existing threats and attacks, and eradicate them from singular computing devices or entire IT systems. These programs scan websites, files and installed programs for suspicious activity. They also look at day-to-day program behavior to spot anomalies that might
Read MoreWhat is Digital Security?
Digital security is the set of technologies, best practices and processes that protect your data online from cyber threats. Typically, it also includes measures like passwords and antivirus software. It’s a vital aspect of life in the modern world, where everything from your credit card info and banking transactions to
Read MoreWhat Is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is all about securing computer systems, networks and data. It’s a complex field, but it’s easy to visualize its effects: without robust defenses, it would be easy for hackers to wreak havoc on modern-day essentials like the power grid and water treatment facilities. And the theft of personal data
Read MoreWhat is a Botnet?
A botnet is a massive network of devices that has been infected with malware and is controlled remotely by an attacker. Attackers use the bots to perform various attacks like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), steal data, or simply act as spammers. Bots can be created using any internet-connected device
Read MoreThe Business Benefits of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a set of technologies and tools that protect computers, mobile devices, servers and networks from online threats in cyberspace. It includes disaster recovery or business continuity planning, which outline how an organization will recover from a cyber attack and preventative methods such as employee education. Cyber security also
Read MoreInternational Partnerships to Combat Cybercrime
As the world becomes more digitally connected, cybercriminals exploit weaknesses in online systems and networks. These attacks have a huge economic and social impact on individuals, businesses and governments worldwide. Examples of these attacks include phishing, ransomware, data breaches, computer viruses, scams and more. Some cybercrimes cross international boundaries and
Read MoreWhy is Digital Security So Important?
Digital security is the use of tools to protect files, internet accounts, and identities on computer platforms. It includes antivirus programs, encryption, and even smartphones that are password protected or biometrically identified. Digital security is becoming increasingly important as companies and individuals face the rising threat of cyberattacks. Why is
Read MoreWhat Is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is the practice of defending devices, software and networks against electronic attacks. It’s been called everything from digital spying to international digital weapons, but the goal is the same: protect data and infrastructure from hackers. A cyber attack may target any type of device or system. Common targets include
Read MoreThe Importance of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting digital data, systems and devices from threats. It’s an incredibly complex and important discipline—one that’s essential to our modern world. From protecting the personal information stored on our devices to safeguarding the infrastructure that powers modern-day essentials like power grids and water treatment facilities,
Read MoreWhat is Malware and How Does it Affect You?
Malware is any type of malicious software that infiltrates or infects computers, computer systems, mobile devices, tablets, or enterprise networks. This software is used by bad actors for a variety of reasons – from making money to damaging a company’s reputation and trustworthiness. Cybercriminals deliver malware in a multitude of
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