Month: May 2023
What is a Botnet?
A Botnet is a network of infected systems and devices – commonly referred to as zombies – that are remotely controlled by cybercriminals to perform various malicious tasks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), spam, cryptocurrency mining, click fraud, spyware, ransomware, and more. Threat actors often use remote administration
Read MoreThe Benefits of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a multifaceted field of study that covers several aspects of computer security, including attacks and defenses. This includes everything from protecting devices, data and information to creating robust backups and disaster recovery plans in the event of an incident. While many people understand the need for cybersecurity, they
Read MoreCyberthreat News – Stay Ahead of Emerging Threats
A cyberattack happens every 39 seconds, according to a Clark School study. That’s why cybersecurity is an increasingly important issue for businesses and organizations. Hackers can gain access to your company’s systems, steal sensitive data, or infect your employees with ransomware or other malware. The impact of a data breach
Read MoreWhat is a Data Breach?
A data breach is a security violation in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, altered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so. Other terms for the incident include unintentional information disclosure, data leak, or information leakage. Often times hackers can access your company’s
Read MoreHow Does Antivirus Work?
Antivirus is software that protects a computer or mobile device from viruses and other malware that are designed to steal personal information, hijack a system or wreak other havoc. Antivirus programs scan files, websites and external devices for signs of malicious activity. If a threat is found, the program can
Read MoreThe Growing Importance of Digital Security
Digital security is the umbrella term that describes a range of tools, strategies and measures used to protect online information, identity and assets. It includes everything from encryption software and smartphone SIM cards to secure networks and advanced cyber threat detection systems. This is in contrast to the more narrowly
Read MoreThe Benefits and Drawbacks of AI Cybersecurity
The security industry continues to face a multitude of new vulnerabilities and threats. As a result, the industry has had to develop more advanced security technology. One of the ways they have done this is through artificial intelligence (AI). AI cybersecurity aims to identify potential risks and attacks by using
Read MoreThe Four Components of a Firewall
Firewalls protect your devices and networks from cyber attacks by regulating traffic based on pre-established security rules. Firewalls can be either software or hardware and they create a barrier between your network and the outside world to prevent threats from entering. They also work like a security guard to verify
Read MoreWhat Is Malware and How Does It Affect Your Business?
Malware is an umbrella term for programs that infiltrate a device without permission, cause damage or disruption to systems and devices or steal data. Viruses, worms, spyware, bots, adware, rootkits and ransomware are all types of malware. Hackers use malware to gain unauthorized access to confidential information, disrupt operations, steal
Read MoreWhat is Cyber-Security?
Cyber-security is the practice of protecting information, systems and devices connected to the internet from hacking, data breaches, identity theft and other digital crimes. It’s a multi-layered approach that incorporates tools, techniques and best practices to mitigate cyber risks. It seems like almost everything today relies on computers and the
Read MoreHow to Become a Hacker
Hacking is an area of computer security that involves breaking into a system or network to identify any vulnerabilities. Often, hackers will expose these flaws publicly in an attempt to get the company to fix them. This is known as gray hat hacking. There are many different types of hacking.
Read MoreHow to Spot Phishing Emails
Phishing involves an attack on a target using malware-laden file attachments or links leading to fake websites that trick victims into sharing their personal and financial information. These attacks typically use the attacker’s control of a system to send messages that look like they are from someone or somewhere the
Read MoreWhat is Ransomware?
Ransomware is malware that encrypts files on a victim’s computer and demands a payment to unlock them. Generally, it uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques. During the encryption phase, the ransomware generates a random symmetric key by calling a cryptographic API on the operating system (Zimba et
Read MoreWhat Is Cloud Security?
Cloud Security includes processes, policies and systems that prevent data theft and other attacks in the cloud. This encompasses data loss prevention, collaboration controls and encryption processes. It also requires visibility and compliance management systems to be in place, along with threat detection measures, malware prevention mechanisms and privileged access
Read MoreWhat Is Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is a broad field that encompasses all aspects of protecting data, hardware and software. It also covers preventative measures, such as educating employees on good cybersecurity habits. The main goal of this is to reduce the chance of a data breach. This protects businesses or individuals from the risk
Read MoreWhat is Cybercrime?
Cybercrime refers to computer-based crimes committed on the Internet, from hacking and stealing of personal data to theft of intellectual property and copyright infringement. The speed, convenience and anonymity of the Internet makes these crimes much easier to commit than traditional crimes involving physical contact. Additionally, because of the interconnectedness
Read MoreWhat is a Botnet and How Does it Work?
A botnet is a network of hijacked computers and devices infected with nefarious malware that is remotely controlled by the attacker. This hacker control is often used to steal credentials, send spam and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Attackers and cybercriminals create botnets by exploiting security holes in software,
Read MoreHow to Select the Best Antivirus Software
Antivirus is software designed to search for, detect and remove programs (called malware) that can steal hardware resources or sensitive personal information. These malicious programs, which are also known as ransomware, worms and Trojans, can be sent to your computer through dubious emails, attachments, files and websites. Without antivirus protection,
Read MoreWhat is a Data Breach?
When someone with unauthorized access views, downloads or steals sensitive or confidential information from an organization that’s charged with protecting it, the organization suffers a data breach. Breaches can involve anything from credit card numbers and healthcare records to company source code and internal customer lists. Depending on the industry,
Read MoreCyberthreat News – Top Stories From the Past Month
From cybersecurity breaches to ransomware attacks, the latest Cyberthreat News offers a snapshot of top stories from the past month. Biden announces national strategy to boost US defences; countries ban TikTok on government phones; and Australian firms fall victim to cyberattacks. A new study shows that a hacker attack occurs
Read MoreUsing Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
Ai is used everywhere in technology, from advanced search engines to digital assistants to digital art generators. It also provides a powerful tool for cybersecurity, helping to detect threats and protect networks from malware and ransomware. In fact, it’s quickly becoming a “must-have” security tool for businesses of all sizes.
Read MoreWhat Is a Firewall and Why Do You Need One?
Firewalls are one of the most important network security systems you can have in place. They prevent cyberattacks, protect sensitive data and ensure privacy in a computer system or network. They also serve as the foundation of other network security systems, such as anti-virus programs and network intrusion detection systems.
Read MoreThe Importance of Digital Security
Everyone has information that they want to keep private, from credit card numbers to personal photographs. This information is called data privacy and it’s important to take the right steps to protect it. Whether you’re sending a private work email or playing a mobile game, digital security is vital to
Read MoreWhat is Malware and How Does it Affect Your Computer?
Malware is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojan horses and other malicious programs that can harm your privacy, steal your data, or gain control of a computer. Each type of malware attacks in a unique way. Some attack through your browser; others exploit system or software vulnerabilities to gain
Read MoreWhat Is Hacking?
Hacking is the practice of exploiting a computer’s weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to systems or data. This is done in a wide range of ways, including stealing information, introducing malware, launching DDoS attacks and even hijacking servers to hold data hostage. Many hackers use their skills for good, but
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