BotNet News

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Malware is a blanket term for computer programs that threaten to damage or contaminate an electronic device, steal information, spy on online activity, or hold devices hostage. Malware can be introduced into systems via USB drives, email attachments, peer to peer (P2P) file sharing, or unsecured websites and social media platforms. It can also infect a variety of other electronic devices including cell phones, smart TVs, and digital assistants.

Cybercriminals use malware to gain access to a victim’s sensitive and confidential data, gain control of their devices, or hijack and destroy them. Depending on the type of malware, the attackers’ motives may vary from making money to destroying a company or an individual’s personal information and computer system.

Virus Malware – First discovered in 1988, viruses are self-replicating programs that spread to other computers by infecting files, or via floppy disks or other physical media. The Creeper and Elk Cloner viruses were a hoot for 15-year olds, but once malware got more serious with the discovery of the Vienna virus in 1988, things began to take a turn for the worse.

Trojan Malware – Disguised as native operating system programs or safe files such as free downloads, trojans are able to bypass security software and enumerate all of a user’s online activities. The Zeus trojan malware, for example, is designed to access banking credentials and add machines to a botnet.

Other types of malware include: