Careers in Cyber-Security
The cybersecurity field can be a rewarding career choice for college students, new graduates and seasoned career-changers. The profession requires a wide range of skills and knowledge that can be applied in many different settings, from government agencies to large tech companies to small businesses. The demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to outpace the number of qualified workers, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
A cyber attack can cost an organization billions of pounds and cause serious damage in the form of lost data, regulatory fines, reputational harm and other losses. An effective cyber security strategy must be comprehensive, involve all employees and be based on regular risk assessments.
In addition to protecting network systems, a strong cybersecurity practice must also protect critical infrastructure. Industrial environments like power grids, water systems and transportation systems are increasingly controlled through technological systems that operate physical machinery. These are often connected to a network and can be compromised by the same hacking methods that traditional networks face.
Viruses, ransomware and other malware attacks can cause disruption and loss of data. Other threats include phishing, social engineering and other techniques to access sensitive information. The best defence against these threats is a strong education programme on cyber risks, company policies and incident reporting.
Using an extended detection and response (XDR) solution that combines solutions across the security stack will improve threat visibility and context, making it easier for teams to focus their efforts on reducing the impact of an attack. This can reduce the duration and impact of a cyber threat and enable faster recovery.