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Cloud Security

Cloud Security enables organizations to monitor, protect and respond to threats in a dynamic cloud environment. It uses data from multiple systems (as well as the network) to provide a complete attack story, helping to prevent data breaches, malware infections and other risks that can occur when security tools are misconfigured or missing.

A comprehensive cloud security solution includes a variety of technologies to ensure that all aspects of a business’s cloud environment are protected. These include unified cloud visibility and control, cloud access and application protection, as well as a variety of network-based security controls. A CASB solution can help identify shadow IT, sensitive data being moved between applications in the cloud and on-premise networks, and compliance gaps that allow attackers to move laterally in the network.

Finally, an effective cloud security solution will also be able to reduce risks by addressing user behavior. This is a critical aspect of cloud security because when security measures are overly rigid, users will find workarounds to get their jobs done. This renders those security controls useless, and demonstrates why security experts always say “the user is the weakest link”.

The best cloud security solutions will enable agility in an organization’s IT environment. This means integrating seamlessly into the agile development process to automatically configure and update security controls in real time. This is crucial because misconfigurations are the number one vulnerability in a cloud environment, and the most common cause of data breaches as detailed in Verizon’s annual Data Breach Investigations Report. Regular penetration testing of a cloud environment is also vital to ensure that these flaws are uncovered before they are exploited by attackers.