BotNet News

Your source for Online Security News

Protecting Against Botnet Attacks

A botnet consists of devices infected with malware and under the control of a remote attacker (bot-herder). Hackers often create large, distributed networks to perform large-scale criminal attacks. From a single point, the attacking party can command each device in the botnet to perform an action, such as flooding a

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What is Cybercrime and How Can it Affect Your Business?

Cybercrime is a broad term to describe any crime committed using the Internet. This can include everything from identity theft, where a criminal steals someone’s personal information to gain access to their bank accounts; to online fraud, where the criminal uses stolen credit card or Social Security numbers to make

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Top Websites For Cyberthreat News

If you are a cybersecurity enthusiast, you need to stay up to date with all the latest developments in this field. The best websites that provide Cyberthreat News keep you up to speed on the most recent threats and how to prevent them. These sites are curated by experts and

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