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Digital security encompasses a wide range of techniques, technologies and procedures designed to protect computers, networks and software from viruses, worms, spyware, malware, hackers, denial-of-service attacks and many other threats. Digital security is also called cybersecurity, though this term has a more specific meaning. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting information and devices from unauthorized access or criminal use, including ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

Some examples of digital security include secure passwords, firewalls, antivirus protection, two factor authentication and the use of escrow services to safeguard sensitive information. It is important to note that digital security is not foolproof; attacks will occur, and it is impossible to prevent all of them. However, systems can be created that are very difficult to breach and which mitigate the severity of attacks that do succeed. In addition, companies should be sure to back up data frequently, reducing the impact of any attack that does take place.

Other techniques for enhancing digital security include identifying attackers, which can be very difficult, as they often operate through proxies or temporary anonymous dial-up accounts and may reside in another country. In addition, they may be able to delete logs that can help identify their activities. Other ways to reduce vulnerabilities include limiting the access of individuals by using authorization systems, which verify users and ensure appropriate control level access, and cryptography which protects system files. It is also possible to certify that software has not been tampered with by using chain of trust and capability/access control list techniques.