BotNet News

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Cyberthreat News is a daily news brief highlighting cybersecurity threats, research and news. It is produced by a team of journalists focused on covering the security landscape and how it affects business operations.

Cybercriminals are increasingly pursuing profit based attacks, whether through industrial espionage to steal trade secrets or large-scale monetary theft. Terrorist groups are a growing threat as more technically competent generations join their ranks, and will likely become increasingly involved in cyberattacks as they gain skill and experience.

Drive-by download attacks are becoming more sophisticated, malware is hiding in more places and cloud infrastructure is a new target. A recent rash of data breaches shows that personal information is more valuable than ever before. A new law would help prevent data breaches by requiring security certificates on all devices.

A 1.3 TB database of alleged Ticketmaster customers was offered on the dark web — including full names, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, and the last four digits of credit card numbers and expiration dates. The FBI is investigating.

Clorox warned investors that the hacker attack it suffered could cause product delays or shortages. It’s an issue that affects every business.

A new report details how North Korea is funding its cyber espionage. It also suggests that the country is pursuing new tactics, which could be dangerous for the U.S.