How to Become a Hacker
Hacking is a broad term used to describe gaining unauthorized access to computer software and hardware systems. This is usually the first step in a cyber attack that can lead to stealing money, personal information, and confidential business data. Hacking is a multibillion dollar industry that has become extremely sophisticated, utilizing stealthy techniques to avoid detection by cybersecurity software and IT teams.
The origins of hacking are often attributed to members of the Tech Model Railroad Club at MIT in the 1960s, who would ‘hack’ their high-tech train sets to expand their functions. From there, the hacking movement moved from trains to computers, where early hackers were exploring and improving existing software programs to increase their functionality.
More recently, hacking has become a popular pastime for hobbyists and a tool used by cybercriminals and state-sponsored attackers alike. While some hackers are motivated by a passion for computer science, others are driven by profit and the desire to gain unauthorized access to systems that don’t belong to them. This type of hacking is referred to as black hat hacking, and it’s illegal.
To become a hacker, you need a lot of patience and a solid understanding of fundamental cybersecurity skills. Start by learning the basics of networking, Linux, Windows, and scripting to lay a foundation of knowledge that you’ll rely on throughout your career as a hacker. This will give you a strong foundation and accelerate your ability to learn more advanced hacking concepts, tools, and techniques.