What Are Signs You Have Malware?
Malware is computer code that is designed to steal your information, infect programs or systems on your computer, and disrupt the normal functioning of your device. It’s behind many of the large-scale data breaches and ransomware attacks that result in millions of dollars in damages.
Criminals plant malware into your system to steal your personal information for blackmail, sell it to others, access your bank account, and more. Most malware infections occur when users click links in phishing emails, visit suspicious websites, or download files from shady file-sharing and P2P sites. Some examples include the Melissa virus of 1999, ILOVEYOU worm of the early 2000s, and WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017 that crippled governments, hospitals, companies, and schools across the globe.
What Are Signs You Have Malware?
The types of malware are diverse and the attack methods continue to evolve. Logic bombs, for example, are pieces of malware that lie dormant until certain conditions are met and then execute the payload (stealing your data, accessing your system, or installing more malware). Polymorphic malware changes its surface appearance on a regular basis while retaining the algorithm inside, subverting detection via traditional virus signatures.
Another possible sign of malware is an unexplained increase in Internet activity on your device, such as a sudden spike in data usage or browsing history on your mobile phone. This is due to Trojans, botnets, and spyware that are constantly sending data back and forth to the attacker’s command and control servers.