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Digital security is all about protecting your devices, information, and identity from cyber attacks. It includes everything from password-protecting your phone to encrypting your emails and online searches. It also includes using anti-virus software and installing a firewall to avoid malware and other threats. It is important to practice digital security for both personal and professional reasons.

Everyone has information they want to keep private, whether it is financial data, health records, or personal identification. Keeping this information safe is critical to prevent a data breach and protect your reputation. Digital security can be as simple as using a password-protected phone, checking your bank account regularly, and only sharing sensitive information on social media with people you trust. It can also involve more aggressive strategies, like encrypting your computer, using a VPN when surfing the internet, and avoiding text messaging apps that don’t encrypt conversations.

Cyber security has many advantages, but it comes with its own set of risks as well. For example, hackers can access confidential government documents, steal identities and credit card numbers, or extort ransom payments from businesses in order to retrieve and resell stolen information. A successful attack against a business can result in lost productivity, wasted time and money, and even the loss of customer confidence and revenue. That’s why it is so important for companies to invest in comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. The Emeritus online cybersecurity master’s degree can teach you the tools you need to defend against attacks from both external and internal threats.