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Cybersecurity is a complex and evolving field that involves protecting networks, data, programs, computers and other digital components from hacking or malware attacks. Strong cybersecurity prevents bad actors from stealing or altering information and also provides the ability to quickly recover from any potential breaches.

With the growing volume and sophistication of cyberattacks, establishing a strong cybersecurity program is crucial to protecting businesses and their customers from costly consequences. It’s not only a way to avoid losing money but also to protect the trust of customers and employees.

It focuses on defending against attacks such as ransomware, denial-of-service attack and man-in-the-middle (MitM). A good cyber security system includes multiple layers of defense that can be built out with software or hardware. The system can prevent hackers from accessing a network or information by requiring a password, encrypting files or blocking the system from receiving requests. It also checks for any potential threats that could enter the network.

Despite the growing importance of cyber security, it’s not possible to completely protect against an attack. In fact, 90% of cyber attacks stem from human error or behavior. But, companies can improve their readiness by increasing the speed at which they respond to attacks and by creating protocols for use in case of an emergency. For example, they can establish crisis nerve centers and hire outside experts to help cross-check their plans. They can also invest in training for employees to help them recognize and mitigate cyberattacks.