How Cloud Security Can Protect Your Digital Assets
From sensitive remote work files to priceless home photos and videos, there’s a lot of data worth protecting in the cloud. But as we shift more workloads into the cloud, defending these digital assets becomes harder. From distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to careless login credentials, there are many threats that can cause a data breach or a loss of critical information.
Unlike your computer at home, where it’s up to you to keep updated with the latest security measures, larger companies overseeing cloud servers have more resources and tools in place to protect against threats. This includes a number of layered and advanced security controls, designed to prevent malware, ransomware, data leakage or other attacks that can affect your cloud-based information.
When choosing a vendor, it’s important to find one that designs security with user experience in mind to ensure it doesn’t slow down business. It’s also vital to make sure a solution can integrate with existing policy systems and is capable of protecting multiple clouds.
A good solution will offer granular visibility into multicloud environments from a single management lens, prioritizing vulnerabilities and providing automated remediation across applications and infrastructure. It should also be able to track users and identify devices, as well as track changes to application configurations and deployments. It should also encrypt data at rest, in use and in motion, preventing attackers from accessing your sensitive information. It should also include firewalls, IPSes and other edge security protections.