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Hacking is gaining access to information, computer systems and networks without the permission of the owner. It is typically illegal and can be used for malicious purposes, such as financial gain, sabotage or for personal notoriety.

The word hacker first came to be used in the 1960s at MIT to describe expert FORTRAN programmers. Since then the term has grown to encompass people who use their technical skills for nefarious purposes. Hackers often exploit both social and technical weaknesses to breach defenses. Social weaknesses are based on false pretenses, while technical weaknesses are usually based on software flaws or vulnerabilities.

A major motivating factor for most hackers is financial gain. By stealing passwords, credit card information and other sensitive data, they can sell it on the dark web or demand ransom. Hackers may also use their skills to spy on competitors or rival nations in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

Other reasons for illegal hacking include political activism or espionage. Hacktivists use their skills to send messages about social, religious or political issues using hijacked websites or other methods. Hackers may also use their skills to deface websites, which is less common these days but was a popular pastime in the early days of the internet.

A common way that a hacker gains access to a computer is by installing a piece of malware on the victim’s system called a backdoor. This allows the hacker to return at a later date and steal information or cause damage to the victim’s computer.