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We lock up expensive cars, put heirloom jewelry in safes and store the title to our homes in safety deposit boxes. And, in the same way, we should be protecting our digital assets.

Digital security refers to a set of best practices and tools that safeguard personal data, protect devices against malware, viruses and spyware, and monitor and protect one’s privacy. It also helps prevent hacking and other cyberattacks. Examples of tools include password managers, VPNs and secure communications.

It’s increasingly important to understand and invest in digital security as technology becomes more digitized. Today’s computing environments are more complex than ever before, spanning public clouds, enterprise data centers and edge devices like robots and IoT sensors. This expansion creates a wider attack surface that’s more challenging to monitor and secure.

A cybersecurity strategy should address all of these aspects in order to be successful. It should follow the four pillars of security: availability, protection, integrity and control. Availability means maintaining all hardware and software, ensuring it’s updated regularly and avoiding out-of-date versions that can be exploited by hackers. Protection refers to ensuring all data is encrypted and that no unprotected information is transmitted, which can lead to identity theft or damage a company’s reputation. Integrity includes ensuring all code is reviewed and approved before it’s deployed, so there are no bugs or worms lurking in the system to damage or steal data. Control refers to implementing processes to make sure only authorized users can access and use data.