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Cyberthreat News

Whether stealing information, disrupting critical services or threatening lives, cyberthreats can have significant real-world consequences. Often, they can be detected and stopped as quickly as possible, but sophisticated threat actors and nation-states are developing capabilities that threaten to undermine our national security. This makes it imperative that we protect our cybersecurity, as well as the systems and data that make up our digital world.

The BBC and BA are among several big British businesses to have staff data compromised as a result of a cyberattack on software used by a firm that provides payroll services for nearly half of the FTSE 100. A criminal gang exploited a flaw in Zellis file-transfer software to gain access to the data, which was then published online and used for extortion, researchers warn.

UK cybersecurity experts say the NHS and other healthcare providers must take action to prevent attacks on their systems from rogue hackers, as they could be targeted by ransomware unless they improve their defences. Experts also highlight the need to keep staff informed about threats and vigilance in a way that ensures they remain aware of the risks.

Infosecurity Magazine has been bringing cutting-edge cyber security news to readers for more than a decade and now claims 8 million monthly visitors, including “leading security researchers, geeks, techies, business grads, CISOs and thousands of security professionals”. It offers multiple articles a day on a range of topics, plus webinars, research reports and virtual events. Graham Cluley has a knack for making complex issues accessible and understandable. He is a leading figure in the security community, having previously held senior positions with Sophos and McAfee. In addition to his blog he is also a frequent conference speaker, media pundit and podcaster.