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A new study finds that hackers attack computers with Internet access every 39 seconds. The Clark School study is the first to quantify this near-constant assault on personal and corporate devices, as well as the non-secure passwords that give attackers the edge.

The healthcare sector is the most popular target for attackers, with data breaches affecting 53% of the victims. Attacks are typically motivated by financial gain and are a result of poor security practices.

In 2023, ransomware attacks increased 66% and averaged $3 million per victim. The total cost of all breaches is expected to exceed $1 trillion.

Hackers claimed the UK’s BBC and BA among their latest victims by targeting software used to process payroll at these FTSE 100 companies. A flaw in Zellis file transfer software allows criminals to extort or publish employee information.

A UK startup has launched the world’s largest privately owned cybersecurity lab, which will test how safe cars, planes and industrial systems are from attack. The lab is located near the headquarters of Britain’s intelligence agency GCHQ. OpenAI and Microsoft have pledged to invest in robust testing and cybersecurity safeguards for AI models before release.