Cybercrime and How to Prevent It
Cybercrime involves the use of computers, the Internet or other digital devices to commit crimes. These crimes can have devastating consequences for individuals, businesses and governments and they are increasing in frequency and severity. Phishing, ransomware and data breaches are just some of the most common forms of Cybercrime but new threats are emerging all the time as we continue to make our world more digitally connected.
Cybercriminals are sophisticated, well-organized and able to exploit gaps in computer security systems with ever-increasing speed. They can tailor attacks and cooperate across borders, bringing new challenges for law enforcement. Fortunately, just as walking on the ground leaves tracks that a skilled tracker can follow, a criminal’s actions online leave clues as to their identity and location. In addition, just like people who cross borders are subject to international laws, the Internet provides multiple hiding places that can be used by criminals in different jurisdictions.
One of the biggest concerns regarding Cybercrime is that criminals can hide behind a false identity, committing a crime that would not be possible in person or on the street. This allows criminals to exploit loopholes in the legal system and avoid punishment.
Other serious concerns include cyberespionage, where a criminal hacks into systems or networks to steal information and even spy on individuals, as well as software piracy, which is the illegal distribution and use of software programs. While the technology behind cybercrime is complex, combating it comes down to a simple approach: each of us must take steps to protect ourselves from hackers, viruses and malware.