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Hacking is a broad term that describes someone who uses technical knowledge to gain access to computerized systems. This person may have legitimate purposes, such as testing and improving security, or he or she may have malicious intentions, such as to steal personal information and identities or take down websites or entire systems. The term “hacker” gained prominence in the 1990s with the rise of the Internet and some high-profile hackers who committed a variety of cybercrimes. These included infamous teen hackers who took down websites and stole proprietary software from large corporations.

Many hackers use programs written by other people to perform their work. These programs allow them to access and control computers, systems and networks. Some hacking is performed in the name of learning and exploration; others are done for monetary gains or to gain notoriety as a hacker. Some hacking is also conducted to further political causes. Examples include the hacktivist groups Anonymous and LulzSec, which have hacked into government agencies and large companies to expose confidential information.

The ethical hacker, who has the best of intentions and uses their skills to improve system security, is a valuable asset to the world of technology. Those who don’t have the best of intentions, however, are considered black hat hackers and can cause serious damage. There are four main drivers of bad hacking: financial gain, corporate espionage, social manipulation and geopolitical ambitions. The most common bad hacking is perpetrated by criminal gangs and, in some cases, nation-states.