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digital security

Digital security protects your personal and corporate data, devices and online identity from attacks on the Internet. It comprises all the technology, techniques, tools and security training needed to keep you safe online.

Cybersecurity is an essential part of any business, ensuring that sensitive data and information is kept safe. This can help companies avoid fines and penalties and ensure their operation runs smoothly.

Security measures also allow organisations to comply with the regulations they are subject to, such as GDPR and HIPAA. A good digital security strategy will include creating a digitally secure work environment and educating staff about the risks they may face.

Increasing digital security skills in the workplace can help reduce risk and improve productivity. By training staff to be aware of potential threats, they’ll be less likely to click on malicious links or download suspicious files.

There are several types of digital security, including firewalls, proxies and software. Firewalls monitor web traffic, identify authorized users and block unauthorized access to sites. Likewise, proxies use filtering rules in line with an organisation’s IT policies to block dangerous websites and authenticate access.

The OECD’s work on digital security aims to strengthen trust, without hindering the use of ICTs for innovation and growth. It also provides policy analysis and recommendations to governments, businesses and stakeholders on the economic and social aspects of cybersecurity.

The digital world has come a long way, but it also brings its share of threats. Hackers, viruses and other malware can cause damage, loss of data, financial losses, and account lockouts. This can be a serious problem for individuals and businesses alike, affecting their reputations and profitability.