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Cloud Security – How to protect your data, applications and infrastructure

While cloud computing has many benefits, such as flexibility, cost reduction and scalability, it also introduces security concerns. Whether you are an individual or a large organization, it’s important to understand your cloud security risks and what steps you can take to reduce them.

The shared responsibility model that defines cloud services entails that clients are responsible for managing their own security. Clients manage identity and access management (IAM), secure access to cloud accounts, encrypt their cloud data assets, and keep them compliant with regulatory requirements.

User safety education and training – mostly for organizational environments, but also available for individual cloud users – is key to safe user behavior. In addition to educating cloud users, it’s also important to implement rules and procedures that protect cloud users from common cyberattacks.

Zero Trust policies – the foundation of all cloud security – don’t automatically grant access to any entity within or outside your network, but verify it and enact necessary controls. These include access control, network security, virtual server compliance, workload and data protection, and threat intelligence.

Multitenancy – the ability to create and share virtual servers – can be beneficial for organizations, but it can also expose them to risk from misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, data leaks, excessive privileged access, and compliance issues. To mitigate these risks, clients must carefully segment their cloud resources and ensure that multi-tenant data is isolated.