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Cloud Security

Cloud Security – Threat Prevention, Data Protection, and Business Continuity

Cloud computing is a powerful tool for storing data on demand, with the ability to access it from anywhere. However, like any other technology, it can also be susceptible to cyber attacks, particularly those aimed at personal and confidential data.

Encrypting data at rest and in transit using Transport Layer Security is a strong cloud security solution for protecting sensitive data from unintentional leaks and theft. This practice is vital for organizations that handle financial, private, or other data that can be compromised in a cloud security breach.

Modifying permissions to prevent unauthorized access is another key cloud security practice that can help ensure the confidentiality of the information stored on the cloud. This practice can be implemented on a database or application level, and is particularly important if you are working with personal data such as tax forms or credit card numbers.

Managing encryption keys is also a key practice for cloud security. Ideally, you should keep your encryption keys on-site and not stored in the cloud, and you should change them regularly to prevent any potential leaks.

Other cloud security practices include preventing unauthorized cloud access, securing service traffic and interfaces, and avoiding shared technologies. These are all important cloud security best practices to adopt for your business. Having an understanding of these security issues will help you to make informed decisions about the right cloud provider for your organization.