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Cyberthreat News

Cyberthreat News

Whether it’s cyber-attacks from hacktivist groups or state-sponsored hackers, these attacks can be devastating for businesses, governments and individuals. This Daily Swig provides day-to-day coverage of cyber-attacks, arming organizations and users with the information they need to stay protected.

Zero-day exploits: These are security vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched by developers yet and are easy to take advantage of by hackers. They’re a growing threat as attackers are more likely to find them and exploit them before the developers do.

Cryptojacking: This is a type of malware that uses your device to mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum without your knowledge. It’s a growing threat that can slow down your devices and cause them to run slower than normal.

Malvertising: This is where cybercriminals use online ads to spread malicious codes and download software onto your system. It’s a major threat for banks and other institutions because they often use advertising to promote their services.

Drive-by downloads: This type of malware installs programs on your computer when you visit an infected website. It’s especially common for websites that allow third-party advertisements.

Terrorist groups and corporate spies pose significant cybersecurity risks, as they can conduct industrial espionage and steal trade secrets or other sensitive information to disrupt their competitors. They can also steal large amounts of money through a ransomware attack or other methods. These criminals are less advanced in their cyber-attacking capabilities than nation-state hackers, but they can still damage a business’s ability to function.