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Cybercrime is a criminal activity that involves the use of computers or computer networks for the purposes of harming people’s personal security and/or finances. These crimes include hacking into a system to steal data, or hacking a computer to commit fraud or theft.

There are several ways to prevent cybercrime. The first is to keep your computer updated with the latest anti-virus software and remove any suspicious files that may be on your machine. Also, avoid clicking on any links that appear suspicious or ask you for any personal information.

Another way to protect yourself is to change your passwords frequently. This will help you to protect your data and your identity from hackers who may be trying to get your credit card number or other sensitive information.

The Internet is a global platform for crime and cybercriminals often work from abroad, which means international collaboration is important in order to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. This is the reason the NCA works closely with the United States National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) to investigate cyber attacks around the world.