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digital security

Digital security is essential to maintaining trust in the digital age. It is a form of cyber security and focuses on protecting the identity of users. Cybersecurity also includes the technical aspects of the Internet and related technologies.

The OECD Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity gathers policy makers and experts from all stakeholder groups and can lead to international policy recommendations. These recommendations help protect people’s online identities, promote the development of policies to strengthen trust, and improve the management of digital security risks.

Using these recommendations, the OECD works on technical, economic, and social aspects of cybersecurity. They aim to help governments develop better policies for a more secure and prosperous world.

Among the issues discussed are the risks of misuse of personal health information, the use of malicious programs and illegal channels, phishing scams, and hacking of computers and servers. Many crimes are carried out by cybercriminals who are motivated by political or financial interest.

To combat cybercrime, organisations should establish a comprehensive plan for cybersecurity. It should include the key roles and responsibilities of everyone involved. Detailed processes should be implemented and personnel trained. A plan should also describe how cybersecurity contributes to your organisation’s vision and values.

Your organisation should also have a Security Council that helps to safeguard your organisation’s data. This group of experts should be regularly trained and meet to discuss critical decisions relating to security.

Moreover, your organisation should have a firewall. These devices identify authorized users and block unauthorized access.