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Antivirus software is an important component of any online security strategy. It is designed to block harmful websites, protect your data, and remove malware. Some antivirus solutions offer other features, like identity theft protection.

Traditional antivirus solutions have been around for decades. They use signature-based detection to detect viruses and other malicious code. However, today’s viruses are evolving, and traditional protection isn’t enough.

Newer, more sophisticated solutions use machine learning and cloud-connected information databases to keep up with the latest threats. These solutions also leverage sandboxing, behavioral detection, and the best of the Internet to detect and stop attacks.

The best antivirus solution will not only be able to identify and block threats, it will also be able to do so across all of your devices. This is especially important for older adults, who are at greater risk for scams and phishing schemes.

Modern antivirus solutions also have the capability to automatically update their database of known malware and malicious code. This helps ensure that your system is always protected from new virus strains.

A full-system scan will go over your device and look for any viruses, malware, or other suspicious files. This type of scan will look at all of your internal and external files. Additionally, a good antivirus solution will be able to perform a quick scan and alert you if it finds a problem.

Another feature that a good antivirus solution should have is a VPN. This provides identity theft protection and allows you to connect to a virtual private network.