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Phishing is a type of fraud where the attacker tricks a person into providing confidential information. Typically, the attacker is trying to gain access to a computer or bank account. These attacks can be sent through email, SMS text messages, or social media platforms.

In a typical phishing attack, the user is directed to an unauthorized website. This may be a fake customer support page, or it may be a fraudulent site with altered spelling. Often, the email will request login information or credit card details.

If you think you clicked a malicious link in a phishing email, update your security software. Also, be careful of any calls from unknown numbers. It is a good idea to research a caller ID app.

Phishing emails are part of a larger campaign. The attacker is targeting a specific person or group in the company. Sometimes, these targets are employees or executives. Usually, the attacker is able to access an account by analyzing the target’s behavior.

Some attackers may try to trick the victim into sending money. Others may use bogus tax returns or other sensitive data to collect information. Other tactics include threats of a lawsuit or deactivation of an account.

Spear phishing is a form of phishing that uses the original sender’s email address. The attacker then spoofs the real sender’s email and tries to gather personal and business information from the target.

Another form of phishing involves a fake call from a friend or family member. The caller claims to be from an urgent situation. They threaten that you must take action right away. You’re then asked to provide personal and private information over the phone.