What is Hacking?
Hacking is the act of unauthorized access to an information system. In a computer network, hackers break into the defenses of the system to gain access to confidential information.
Hacking as a verb dates back to the early days of digital systems. Back then, it was called “phreaking,” and phone hackers used low-tech methods to get around expensive long-distance calls.
Since then, hacking has developed into a billion-dollar industry. Today, hackers are working on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and bots. These new technologies are helping hackers to find new ways to gain unauthorized access.
Some hackers work for law enforcement, while others may be hired by nation states. Regardless of their motives, hackers are always on the lookout for new ways to access information. The intensity of their attacks depends on their ability to find a loophole in the system.
Other motivations for hacking include personal gain. Hackers can use their skills to gain street cred, earn money from advertisements, or promote their political agenda.
Another motivation is to protect privacy. Ethical hackers report vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems to protect the privacy of users. They also provide solutions to the company for a fee.
In the 1980s, the public began to use personal computers. This increased the demand for computers and, consequently, led to a rise in computer hacking.
Early hackers used technology to overcome obstacles, exploit weaknesses, and develop better programs. This was often a competitive endeavor. Eventually, hackers were able to access the information on their targets’ computers.