How to Protect Yourself Against Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware that locks your computer and asks you to pay a ransom in exchange for unlocking your files. It is usually a small fee, although some organizations seem willing to pay much higher fees to prevent their compromised systems from being disclosed.
Attackers may use a wide variety of tactics to infect your system. Some methods include phishing emails, malicious attachments, and browser plugins. Other methods include drive-by downloading and malware in text messages.
One way to protect yourself against ransomware is to only download apps from trusted app stores and websites. Another is to avoid clicking links in spam or other forms of online communication. You can also avoid visiting third-party app stores, as attackers often imitate popular apps.
Unlike earlier versions, modern ransomware uses strong public key encryption, meaning that only the attackers will know the mathematical key needed to decrypt your data. However, it is still important to understand the steps the attackers take to gain access to your system.
Attackers are often able to gain access to your systems by exploiting security gaps or vulnerabilities. If you are working in an industry that relies on sensitive information, such as healthcare, you might be at particular risk.
Public infrastructures are an important target for attack. These can include utilities, universities, hospitals, and government agencies. Usually these organizations need to have access to their data quickly, which can be a tempting target for ransomware operators.