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Cyberthreat News

A recent report from the FBI says that Iranian government-backed hackers have been attacking U.S. energy companies and telecoms. The FBI halted these attacks, but only after it learned of their methods and how they could have been prevented. In June, FBI Director Christopher Wray called the incident “one of the most despicable” he had seen. Cyberthreat News has in-depth analyses of recent cyberattacks and tips and tactics for staying protected. It also covers topics such as the top security risks in healthcare and what to watch for.

Social media is another great source of news and updates in the cybersecurity field. Several cybersecurity vendors and researchers regularly post information on Twitter. Other cybersecurity-related blogs and websites have started providing information to help organizations stay protected. Cyberthreat News articles and blogs can be found on sites such as AlienVault, Threatpost, and We Live Security. They also contain threat reports and CTI (cybersecurity-related indicators) extraction, as well as keyword and software vulnerability information.

Cyberthreat News is a daily publication with a focus on cyberthreats and emerging threat trends. Cyberthreats are becoming a bigger and more persistent threat to businesses and individuals, and the cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving. Cyberthreats can originate from state-sponsored cyber warfare units or hacktivist groups, and there is a need for timely, accurate information to protect against them.