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Hacking is the practice of breaking into a computer system to gain access to its data. This activity is very popular and can bring millions of dollars in profits to cybercriminals. Although the traditional image of hackers is of a rogue programmer, modern hackers are far more sophisticated and use stealthy methods to get past cybersecurity software. They trick unsuspecting users into opening malicious attachments and giving up sensitive personal data.

Hackers have three main types: black hat hackers, grey hat hackers, and white hat hackers. The former have good intentions but do not follow ethical guidelines. The latter use their skills for political activism or to get information. Hacktivist groups such as Anonymous use these techniques to disrupt networks and protest political injustices.

Hacking has a long history. The term was coined to describe a subculture of programmers who hacked computer systems. The term “hacker” was first used in a negative context in an article in Newsweek. Since then, this term has gotten a lot of negative connotations.

Ethical hacking is legal when done with permission and can reveal flaws in a system or protect it from damage. Ethical hackers are divided into three categories: black hat hackers, gray hat hackers, and white hat hackers. Each group hacks for a specific reason and purpose.